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Hämtar bolagengagemang för en privatperson från Bolagsverket samt bolagsinformation för ett specifikt bolag.

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Alla lyckade svar från bolagsverket cachas i 30 minuter.


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API specifikation

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Swagger uiopenapi: 3.0.1 info: title: api-businessengagements contact: {} license: name: MIT License url: version: "1.1" servers: - url:

/1.1/ tags: - name: Business Engagements description: En tjänst som hämtar en persons företagsengagemang och dess information paths: /information/{partyId}: get: tags: - Business Engagements operationId: getBusinessInformation parameters: - name: partyId in: path description: Unique identifier for an organization number required: true schema: type: string description: Unique identifier for an organization number example: fb2f0290-3820-11ed-a261-0242ac120002 example: fb2f0290-3820-11ed-a261-0242ac120002 - name: organizationName in: query description: Name of the organization required: true schema: type: string description: Name of the organization responses: "204": description: No Content content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BusinessInformation' "400": description: Bad Request content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' "404": description: Not Found content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' "200": description: Successful Operation content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BusinessInformation' "500": description: Internal Server Error content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' /engagements/{partyId}: get: tags: - Business Engagements operationId: getEngagements parameters: - name: partyId in: path description: Unique identifier for a person required: true schema: type: string description: Unique identifier for a person example: 6a5c3d04-412d-11ec-973a-0242ac130003 example: 6a5c3d04-412d-11ec-973a-0242ac130003 - name: personalName in: query description: The first and surname of the person required: true schema: type: string description: The first and surname of the person - name: serviceName in: query description: Name of the system initiating the request required: true schema: type: string description: Name of the system initiating the request example: Mina Sidor example: Mina Sidor responses: "200": description: Successful Operation content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BusinessEngagementsResponse' "204": description: No Content content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BusinessEngagementsResponse' "400": description: Bad Request content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' "404": description: Not Found content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' "500": description: Internal Server Error content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' : get: tags: - API summary: OpenAPI operationId: getApiDocs responses: "200": description: OK content: application/yaml: schema: type: string x-auth-type: None x-throttling-tier: Unlimited x-wso2-mutual-ssl: Optional components: schemas: Problem: type: object properties: instance: type: string format: uri type: type: string format: uri parameters: type: object additionalProperties: type: object title: type: string detail: type: string status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusType' StatusType: type: object properties: reasonPhrase: type: string statusCode: type: integer format: int32 Address: type: object properties: city: type: string description: City example: Sundsvall street: type: string description: Street address example: Storgatan 10 postcode: type: string description: Postal code example: "85740" careOf: type: string description: Care of example: John Doe description: Address model BusinessInformation: type: object properties: legalForm: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LegalForm' address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' emailAddress: type: string description: The companys contact email example: phoneNumber: type: string description: The companys contact phone number example: 070-1234567 municipality: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Municipality' county: $ref: '#/components/schemas/County' fiscalYear: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FiscalYear' companyForm: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyForm' companyRegistrationTime: type: string description: When the company was registered format: date example: 2022-01-01 liquidationInformation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LiquidationInformation' deregistrationDate: type: string description: When and if the company was deregistered format: date example: 2022-09-01 companyLocation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address' businessSignatory: type: string description: Who may sign for the company example: Firman tecknas av styrelsen companyDescription: type: string description: Information regarding the companys operations example: Psykologisk forskning på bin samt därmed förenlig verksamhet. sharesInformation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SharesInformation' errorInformation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorInformation' description: Business information model CompanyForm: type: object properties: companyFormCode: type: string description: Company form example: AB companyFormDescription: type: string description: Company form description example: Aktiebolag description: Company form information model County: type: object properties: countyName: type: string description: County example: Västernorrland countyCode: type: string description: County code example: "22" description: County information model ErrorInformation: type: object properties: hasErrors: type: boolean description: Indicates if there was an error while fetching data and that one or more parameters could not be fetched example: true errorDescriptions: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Map with error code (from bolagsverket) as key and the error description as value example: "9071006, Ej behörig - ej firmatecknare." description: Map with error code (from bolagsverket) as key and the error description as value example: "9071006, Ej behörig - ej firmatecknare." description: Error information model FiscalYear: type: object properties: fromDay: type: integer description: Fiscal year start day format: int32 example: 1 fromMonth: type: integer description: Fiscal year start month format: int32 example: 1 toDay: type: integer description: Fiscal year end day format: int32 example: 31 toMonth: type: integer description: Fiscal year end month format: int32 example: 12 description: Fiscal year information model LegalForm: type: object properties: legalFormDescription: type: string description: Legal form example: Övriga aktiebolag legalFormCode: type: string description: Legal form code example: "49" description: Legal form information model LiquidationInformation: type: object properties: liquidationReasons: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LiquidationReason' cancelledLiquidation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LiquidationReason' description: Liquidation information model LiquidationReason: type: object properties: liquidationCode: type: string description: Liquidation code example: "21" liquidationDescription: type: string description: Liquidation description example: Konkurs avslutad liquidationDate: type: string description: Liquidation date format: date example: 2022-09-01 liquidationType: type: string description: Type of liquidation example: Konkurs description: Reason for liquidation or cancellation of liquidation Municipality: type: object properties: municipalityName: type: string description: Municipality example: Sundsvalls Kommun municipalityCode: type: string description: Municipality code example: "2281" description: Municipality information model ShareType: type: object properties: label: type: string description: Label of the shares example: B numberOfShares: type: integer description: Number of shares of this class example: 25000 voteValue: type: string description: The vote value for one share example: 1/10 description: Share information model SharesInformation: type: object properties: shareTypes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ShareType' numberOfShares: type: integer description: Number of total shares example: 100000 shareCapital: type: number description: Shares value example: 120000.0 shareCurrency: type: string description: Shares value currency example: sek description: Shares information model BusinessEngagementsResponse: required: - status type: object properties: engagements: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Engagement' statusDescriptions: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: "In case fetching one or more engagement failed, this will\ \ show why it failed. There may be more than one description if several\ \ engagements failed." example: Timeout description: "In case fetching one or more engagement failed, this will\ \ show why it failed. There may be more than one description if several\ \ engagements failed." example: Timeout status: type: string description: If fetching all engagements went "OK" or "NOK". A "NOK" may still return engagements but indicates that the information is incomplete. example: OK enum: - OK - NOK Engagement: type: object properties: organizationName: type: string description: Name of the organization example: Styrbjörns båtar organizationNumber: type: string description: "Organization number, may also be personal number in case of\ \ enskild firma" example: "2021005448" organizationId: type: string description: Unique id for the organization (UUID) example: bab17d8b-af38-4531-967c-083f15ca1571 description: Represents a persons business engagement. securitySchemes: {}
Open api

Hämta företagsengagemang (/engagements/{partyId})

Request: /engagements/6a5c3d04-412d-11ec-973a-0242ac130003?personalName=Jane%20Doe&serviceName=Kommunen


Code Block
    "engagements": [
            "organizationName": "Fritjofs blommor och blad",
            "organizationNumber": "5561234567",
            "organizationId": " 793afd03-3be5-4e14-863f-a61d4859841d"
            "organizationName": "Vanja Jumpers plåt",
            "organizationNumber": "5561234568"
    "statusDescriptions": {
      "5561234568": "Couldn't fetch guid for organization number"
    "status": "NOK"

Förtydligande response-parametrar:

  • engagements: Kan innehålla 0 → n antal engagemang personen har, varje objekt innehåller organisationsnamn och organisationsnummer.

    • organizationId: unikt uuid/guid för organisationsnumret, om det inte återfinns i LegalEntity utelämnas denna helt.

  • statusDescriptions: Innehåller eventuella fel i samband med hämtandet av bolagsengagemang eller organizationId. T.ex. att underliggande system (från bolagsverket) överskred begärd svarstid eller att det inte gick att hämta organizationId. Typen är en “Map<String, String>”.

  • status: Visar om personens alla engagemang kunde hämtas utan fel. Vid eventuella fel sätts denna till “NOK” och det reflekteras även i parametern statusDescriptions genom att varje felbeskrivning läggs till.

Hämta företagsinformation (/information/{partyId})

Request: /information/6a5c3d04-412d-11ec-973a-0242ac130003?organizationName=Testbusiness


{ "legalForm": { "legalFormDescription": "Övriga aktiebolag", "legalFormCode": "49" }, "address": { "city": "STOCKHOLM", "street": "Mäster Samuelsgatan 42", "postcode": "11157", "careOf": "" }, "emailAddress": "", "phoneNumber": "070-990463", "municipality": { "municipalityName": "Stockholm kommun", "municipalityCode": "0180" }, "county": { "countyName": "Stockholms län", "countyCode": "01" }, "fiscalYear": { "fromDay": 1, "fromMonth": 1, "toDay": 31, "toMonth": 12 }, "companyForm": { "companyFormCode": "AB", "companyFormDescription": "aktiebolag" }, "companyRegistrationTime": "1993-01-07", "liquidationInformation": { "liquidationReasons": [ { "liquidationCode": "21", "liquidationDescription": "Konkurs avslutad", "liquidationDate": "2013-10-24", "liquidationType": "Konkurs" }, { "liquidationCode": "32", "liquidationDescription": "Likvidation beslutad", "liquidationDate": "2013-09-03", "liquidationType": "Likvidation" } ], "cancelledLiquidation": { "liquidationCode": "21", "liquidationDescription": "Konkurs avslutad", "liquidationDate": "2013-10-24", "liquidationType": "Konkurs" } }, "deregistrationDate": "2013-10-24", "companyLocation": { "address": { "city": "STOCKHOLM", "street": "MÄSTER SAMUELSGATAN", "postcode": "11157" } }, "businessSignatory": "Firman tecknas av styrelsen", "companyDescription": "Psykologisk forskning på bin samt därmed förenlig verksamhet.", "errorInformation": { "hasErrors": true, "errorDescriptions": { "9071006": "Ej behörig - ej firmatecknare." } } }
Code Block

Beroende på svaret från Bolagsverket kan det saknas information i en eller flera fält.
Istället för att invalidera hela svaret indikeras det att information inte är komplett / kunde hämtas från bolagsverket i errorInformation-fältet, med tillhörande felmeddelande om varför information inte gick att hämta.
errorDescription är en Map där nyckeln är felkoden och värdet är felbeskrivningen från bolagsverket.


Bolagsverket har lagt upp fiktiva personnummer med olika bolagsengagemang, partyId för dessa personer finns upplagda i testmiljön för CitizenMapping och mappar till följande dokument.


















Säkerhetsklass 1

Autentiseringsmetod: Oauth2

(Ref: Säkerhetsklassning av APIer )


<Kontaktuppgifter till den verksamhet som äger APIets livscykel>N/A

Teknisk ägare


Ansvarigt team: Team DynastyUnmasked

För tekniska frågor:mailto:teamdynasty@sundsvall

