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En tjänst som hanterar ärenden mot ByggR och Ecos2 (fas 1) samt läser historik från E-arkiv (fas 2).
Idag när en medborgare använder en e-tjänst för bygglovsärenden eller miljökontorärenden så skickas en PDF-fil innehållandes all information från E-tjänsten till handläggarna som manuellt får mata in dessa uppgifter i ByggR eller Ecos2. Detta tar mycket tid från handläggarna. Tid som kan användas till mer värdeskapande aktiviteter. Detta är dessutom ett repetitivt och inte särskilt utvecklande arbete för individen.
Denna hantering vill vi automatisera genom att E-tjänsten istället anropar vårt CaseManagement-API som skapar ett ärende maskinellt i ByggR eller Ecos2.Ett ärende som skapas i e-tjänster består alltid av två olika ärenden. Ett i Open ePlatform(OeP) och ett annat i antingen ByggR eller Ecos2. Ärendet i OeP har varit kundens perspektiv på ärendet. Detta ärende har inte uppdaterats i takt med att ärendet handläggs i antingen ByggR eller Ecos2. Idag kan inte intressenterna i ett ärende (t.ex. den sökande) hitta information om sitt ärende på webben. Idag behöver intressenten kontakta en handläggare för information om sitt ärende. Detta är krångligt, ineffektivt och inte särskilt användarvänligt för våra kunder, samtidigt som det är en belastning för handläggarna.
Detta vill vi lösa genom att CaseManagement föder OeP med information om de underliggande ärendena. Då kommer intressenterna kunna komma åt sina ärenden på webben.
Under utveckling
Gliffy | ||||||||||||||
CaseManagement(CM) kommer lagra en koppling mellan ärendet i OeP och underliggande handläggningssystem. Denna lagring kommer ske i samband med att ärendet skapas från e-tjänsten. Detta kommer möjliggöra att CM kommer kunna hämta upp ärendet från underliggande system när OeP ber om information.
POST /cases
“Underliggande system” syftar på antingen ByggR eller Ecos2 för närvarande. Anropet “Skapa ärende” kan bestå av ett flertal anrop för att skapa ett komplett ärende.
Denna datamodell är en visuell överblick över Java-klasserna. Detta motsvarar ett komplett ärende. Detta är inget som lagras idag.
Gliffy | ||||||||||||||
Detta är databastabellen vi använder för att lagra kopplingen mellan OeP-ärendet och ärendet i det underliggande systemet.
caseId - ID på ärendet i det underliggande systemet
externalCaseId - ID på OeP-ärendet
system - Det underliggande systemet (BYGGR, ECOS)
timestamp - tidsstämpel på när raden senast ändrades
Hantering av personuppgifter
Vi tar in ett personId och hämtar sedan det tillhörande personnumret från CitizenMapping för att kunna anropa Ecos2 och ByggR med personnummer. Vi kan inte påverka det faktum att dessa system kräver detta som indata. Ecos2 och ByggR ligger på det interna nätet på Sundsvalls kommun.
API specifikation
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eyJ4NXQiOiJOVGRtWmpNNFpEazNOalkwWXpjNU1tWm1PRGd3TVRFM01XWXdOREU1TVdSbFpEZzROemM0WkE9PSIsImtpZCI6ImdhdGV3YXlfY2VydGlmaWNhdGVfYWxpYXMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.TOgb3v6Ld8QSPnwCXbdhDHo6cvhj9fQj-Lwu-WIhcfTZzOHAJBKsGfKp27rrfFHnoJvY_k9DUo_mTlJw-e3RmJDIu3Fd9ZgBcs0yU8A0scDrUEZ0PN3HERGVJNYxTz7KJKDuVWbLznnb5cAMURMSS6gir3StG7kzhS7S8SLdprhZuuEJRr3TQWc6dwN90Nk_AoksxxoprlaL-0zMyqMq6CB62y83X59EEbTjENDR-_2V3ZWOERqOalnRNDW5VLRVUtXuFZhSDT4zFgYvAFef-ucek95WRaIgVJglBBtKYa3NnOr03Zwh_4NZp8OqWfZF82XT8fNTTQxy2EnWQ8t8gQ== |
Swagger ui |
--- openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: CaseManagement description: >- A service that manage cases against ByggR (building permit cases) and Ecos2 Ecos2 (environmental office cases). contact: name: Sundsvalls kommun - Team Dynasty email: version: '"3.3'" paths: /api-docs: get: tags: - API summary: OpenAPI-definition parameters: [] responses: '"200'": description: ok x-auth-type: None /cases: post: tags: - Cases description: >- Creates a case in ByggR or Ecos2 based on caseType. Also persists a a connection between externalCaseId and the created case. requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Case'" responses: example: '200': descriptionexternalCaseId: OKcaa230c6-abb4-4592-ad9a-34e263c2787b content: caseType: NYBYGGNAD_ANSOKAN_OM_BYGGLOV application/json: facilities: schema: - facilityType: STOREHOUSE $ref: '#/components/schemas/CaseResourceResponse' '400': address: description: Bad request contentaddressCategories: application/json: - VISITING_ADDRESS schema: $refpropertyDesignation: '#/components/schemas/Information' SUNDSVALL BIRSTA 36:14 '500': stakeholders: description: Internal Server Error - contenttype: ORGANIZATION application/json: roles: schema: - APPLICANT $ref: '#/components/schemas/Information' /cases/case-mappings: get: tags: - PAYMENT_PERSON - CaseMappings description: >- organizationName: Testorganisationen Returns the connection between externalCaseId and the case in the underlying system.organizationNumber: 723456-1321 parameters: - nametype: external-case-idPERSON in: query schemaroles: type: string responses:- CONTACT_PERSON '200': descriptionfirstName: OKTest content: lastName: Testsson application/json: schemapersonId: 7988710e-7c5c-4db9-ae77-41752baa2381 $refattachments: '#/components/schemas/CaseMapping' '400': - category: ANS description: Bad request content:name: Some_name_2022-03-07 application/json: extension: .pdf schema: file: dGVzdA== $ref: '#/components/schemas/Information'responses: '404'"400": description: NotBad foundrequest content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" '"500'": description: Internal Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" /cases/{external-case-id}/attachments: post"200": tags: description: OK - Attachments descriptioncontent: Add attachments to existing case. parametersapplication/json: - name: external-case-id schema: in: path $ref: required"#/components/schemas/CaseResourceResponse" /cases/case-mappings: true get: schematags: - CaseMappings type: string description: requestBody: Returns the connection between content:externalCaseId and the case in the application/json: underlying system. schemaparameters: - name: external-case-id type: array in: query items: schema: $reftype: '#/components/schemas/Attachment'string responses: '204'"200": description: NoOK content - Successful request. '400': description: Bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'CaseMapping" '404'"400": description: NotBad foundrequest content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" '500'"404": description: InternalNot Server Errorfound content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" '501'"500": description: Internal NotServer ImplementedError content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" /cases/{external-case-id}/statusattachments: getpost: tags: - StatusAttachments description: >-Add attachments to existing case. Returns the latestparameters: status for the case in the underlying system - name: external-case-id connected to the specified externalCaseId. in: path parameters: required: true - name: external-case-id schema: in: path type: string required: true requestBody: schema: content: typeapplication/json: string responses: schema: '200': descriptiontype: array OK contentitems: application/json: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Attachment" responses: schema: "204": description: No content - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CaseStatus'Successful request. '"400'": description: Bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" '"404'": description: Not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" '"500'": description: Internal Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" /organization/{organizationNumber}/cases/status: get"501": tags: description: Not Implemented - Status descriptioncontent: >- Returns the latest statusapplication/json: for each of the cases where the specified schema: organization has the role "applicant". parameters: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Information" - name/cases/{external-case-id}/status: organizationNumber get: intags: path - Status required: true description: schema: Returns the latest status for the case in the underlying system description: Organisationsnummer bestående av 10 eller 12 siffror. connected to the specified externalCaseId. typeparameters: string - name: external-case-id example: 19901010-1234 responsesin: path '200'required: true descriptionschema: OK contenttype: string responses: application/json: "200": schemadescription: OK content: type: array application/json: items: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/CaseStatus'" '"400'": description: Bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" '"404'": description: Not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information'" '"500'": description: Internal Server Error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Information' security" /organization/{organizationNumber}/cases/status: - ApiKeyAuth: [] components: get: securitySchemes: ApiKeyAuthtags: type: apiKey- Status in: headerdescription: Returns name:the apikeylatest status for schemas:each of the cases where Address:the specified required: organization has the role "applicant". - addressCategories parameters: type: object - name: organizationNumber properties: addressCategoriesin: path descriptionrequired: true >- schema: En adress kan ha en eller flera adresskategorier. Det kandescription: exempelvisOrganization number with 10 or 12 digits. vara samma adress som ska användas förtype: poststring och fakturor. minItems: 1example: 19901010-1234 responses: type"200": array description: items:OK content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddressCategory' streetapplication/json: type: string schema: example: Testvägen houseNumbertype: array type: string exampleitems: '18' postalCode: type$ref: string"#/components/schemas/CaseStatus" "400": example: 123 45 description: Bad city:request typecontent: string exampleapplication/json: Sundsvall country: schema: type: string example$ref: Sverige"#/components/schemas/Information" careOf"404": description: Not c/ofound typecontent: string exampleapplication/json: Test Testorsson attention: schema: type: string $ref: example: Test Testorsson"#/components/schemas/Information" propertyDesignation"500": description: FastighetsbeteckningInternal Server Error type: string content: example: SUNDSVALL LJUSTA 7application/json:2 appartmentNumber: schema: type: string example$ref: LGH 1001"#/components/schemas/Information" security: - ApiKeyAuth: [] components: locationsecuritySchemes: ApiKeyAuth: $reftype: '#/components/schemas/Coordinates'apiKey in: header isZoningPlanArea: name: apikey schemas: description: Ligger inom detaljplanerat områdeAddress: required: type: boolean - addressCategories invoiceMarking: type: object descriptionproperties: >- addressCategories: Märkning av faktura (anges endast i samband med addressCategory description: "An address can have one or more address categories. For example,\ \ it can be the same address that is to be used for mail and invoices." minItems: 1 type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AddressCategory" street: type: string example: Testvägen houseNumber: type: string example: "18" postalCode: type: string example: 123 45 city: type: string example: Sundsvall country: type: string example: Sverige careOf: description: c/o type: string example: Test Testorsson attention: type: string example: Test Testorsson propertyDesignation: type: string example: SUNDSVALL LJUSTA 7:2 INVOICE_ADDRESS)appartmentNumber: type: string AddressCategory:example: LGH 1001 location: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Coordinates" isZoningPlanArea: type: boolean invoiceMarking: description: >-"Only in combination with addressCategory: INVOICE_ADDRESS" Kategorisering av adresser. type: string <li>POSTAL_ADDRESS(Postadress)</li><li>INVOICE_ADDRESS(Fakturaadress)</li><li>VISITING_ADDRESS(Besöksadress)</li>AddressCategory: enum: - INVOICE_ADDRESS - POSTAL_ADDRESS - VISITING_ADDRESS type: string Attachment: required: - category - name - extension - file type: object properties: category: allOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/AttachmentCategory'" - nullable: false name: pattern: \S type: string example: NamnThe påattachment dokumentetname nullable: false note: type: string example: En anteckning A note on an attachment. extension: pattern: \S type: string example: .pdf nullable: false mimeType: type: string example: application/pdf file: format: byte description: Base64-encoded file (plain text) pattern: \S type: string example: dGVzdA== nullable: false AttachmentCategory: description: Kategorisering av bilagor. enum: - ADRESS - ANKVU - ANM - ANMALAN_LIVSMEDELSANLAGGNING - ANMÄ - ANNO - ANS - ANSF - ANSFÖ - ANSM - ANSR - ANSS - ANSSL - ANSUP - ANSUPA - ANV - ARBI - ARIT - ARK - AVPLAN - BANK - BEGLST - BEGSTART - BEHA - BEK - BEKMOTANS - BEMÖ - BERBSA - BESKA - BESLUT - BIL - BLST - BRAB - BRAD - BRAU - BROS - BRS - BULL - DEB - DEL - DELK - DELSLU - DELSTA - DETALJ - DHBHUR - DOM - DPH - ELD - ENEDEK - ENER - EPOS - EXRIT - FAKTU - FAKTUS - FAP - FAPL - FAS - FAS2 - FASSIT - FASSIT2 - FAST - FOTO - FOTOMON - FPSS - FS - FS2 - FSF - FUM - FÄRG - FÖLJ - FÖLJREVRIT - FÖRB - FÖRG2 - FÖRGARBO - FÖRK - FÖRR - GBLAD - GEO - GODFÄ - GRA - GRAM - GRAN - GRUNDP - GRUNDR - HBB - HISSINT - HUR - INFOSS - INTFAK - INTSLUT - INTY - KA - KART - KLA - KM - KOMP - KOND - KONR - KONT - KP - KPLAN - KPR - KPV - KR - KVAL - LUFT - LUTE - MAIL - MAPL - MAST - MATINV - MEDDEL - MINN - MIRP - MOTBKR - MUR - MÅTT - NYKA - OMPLÄ - OVK - PERSPEKTIV - PFS2 - PFSI2 - PFSS2 - PLA - PLA2 - PLAN - PLANK - PLASIT - PLFA - PLFA2 - PLFASE - PLFASESI - PLFASI - PLSE - PLSE2 - PM - PMINN - POIT - PRES - PRESENTA - PROARB - PROSS - PROT - PROTAU - PROTKS - PROTPLU - PROTS - PROTSBN - PSI2 - PSS - PSS2 - PÅMINNTB - RAP - RAPP - REL - REMISS - REMS - REMUA - REVRIT - RIT - RITNING - RIVA - RIVP - RUE - RÄTT - SAK - SAKNAS - SAKUT - SBES - SBN - SCB - SEK - SEK2 - SEKSIT - SEKT - SESI2 - SIN - SITU - SKP - SKR - SKY - SKYL - SLUT - STAB - STIM - STOMR - SVAR - SVAR2år - SÅF - TAPL - TEBY - TEKN - TEKRAP - TEVS - TILL - TILLVR - TJ - TJÄ - TOMTPLBE - TSR - UBGARBO - UKA - UKON - UKP - UKR - UND - UNDER - UNDUT - UPLA - UPPM - URÖR - UTBEU - UTSK - UTSKP - UTSKS - UVEN - VAH - VENT - VS - VVSH - ÄRB - ÅTG - ÖVER type: string Case: required: - externalCaseId - caseType - stakeholders - attachments type: object properties: id: format: int64 type: integer type: object readOnlyproperties: true externalCaseId: description: Case ID ÄrendeIdfrom från Open-Ethe client. pattern: \S type: string example: '1'caa230c6-abb4-4592-ad9a-34e263c2787b nullable: false caseType: allOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/CaseType'" - nullable: false description: description: Beskriv kort vad du vill bygga type: string example: EnSome description fritextbeskrivningof avthe case. caseTitleAddition: description: >- "Additions to the case title. Right now only applicable to\ cases of \ cases of CaseType: NYBYGGNAD_ANSOKAN_OM_BYGGLOV." type: string example: "Eldstad/rökkanal, Skylt" stakeholders: minItems: 1 type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Stakeholder'" attachments: minItems: 1 type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Attachment'" oneOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/PlanningPermissionCase'" - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/EnvironmentalCase'" CaseMapping: required: - system type: object properties: externalCaseId: type: string caseId: type: string system: allOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/SystemType'" - nullable: false timestamp: format: date-time type: string readOnly: true CaseResourceResponse: type: object properties: caseId: type: string CaseStatus: type: object properties: system: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/SystemType'" externalCaseId: type: string caseId: type: string status: description: Status på ärendetstatus: type: string example: Pågående timestamp: format: date-time type: string CaseType: description: Sätts till den enum som hör ihop med den anropande e-tjänsten. enum: - ANMALAN_ATTEFALL - LIVSMEDELSVERKSAMHET_ANMALAN_OM_REGISTRERING - NYBYGGNAD_ANSOKAN_OM_BYGGLOV type: string example: NYBYGGNAD_ANSOKAN_OM_BYGGLOV Coordinates: type: object properties: latitude: format: double description: Decimal Degrees (DD) type: number example: 62.390205 longitude: format: double description: Decimal Degrees (DD) type: number example: 17.306616 EnvironmentalCase: description: Miljökontorärende (Ecos2) required: - startDate - externalCaseId - caseType - stakeholders example: 17.306616 EnvironmentalCase: - attachments description: Ecos2-cases - facilities required: type: object - externalCaseId properties: - caseType startDate: - stakeholders format: date - attachments description: Startdatum på verksamheten. - facilities type: string- startDate type: object example: {} properties: nullable: false externalCaseId: endDate: description: Case ID from the client. format: date pattern: \S description: Slutdatum på verksamheten vid det fall den ärtype: tidsbegränsad.string typeexample: stringcaa230c6-abb4-4592-ad9a-34e263c2787b examplenullable: {}false idcaseType: formatallOf: int64 - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CaseType" type: integer - readOnlynullable: truefalse externalCaseIddescription: descriptiontype: ÄrendeIdstring från Open-E example: Some pattern:description \Sof the case. typecaseTitleAddition: string exampledescription: '1' nullable: false"Additions to the case title. Right now only applicable caseType:to\ allOf: \ cases of CaseType: NYBYGGNAD_ANSOKAN_OM_BYGGLOV." - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CaseType' type: string - nullable: falseexample: "Eldstad/rökkanal, Skylt" descriptionstakeholders: description: Beskriv kort vad du vill byggaminItems: 1 type: stringarray exampleitems: En fritextbeskrivning av case. caseTitleAddition$ref: "#/components/schemas/Stakeholder" descriptionattachments: >- minItems: 1 Additions to the case title. Right now only applicable totype: casesarray of items: CaseType: NYBYGGNAD_ANSOKAN_OM_BYGGLOV. type$ref: string"#/components/schemas/Attachment" examplefacilities: Eldstad/rökkanal, Skylt stakeholdersmaxItems: 1 minItems: 1 type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Stakeholder'EnvironmentalFacility" startDate: attachmentsformat: date minItems: 1description: Start date for the business. type: arraystring itemsexample: 2022-01-01 $refnullable: '#/components/schemas/Attachment'false facilitiesendDate: maxItemsformat: 1date minItemsdescription: 1End date of the business if it type: arrayis time-limited. itemstype: string $ref: '#/components/schemas/EnvironmentalFacility'example: 2022-06-01 EnvironmentalFacility: required: - facilityCollectionName type: object properties: description: type: string example: En fritextbeskrivning av facility. address: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Address'" facilityCollectionName: description: Skyltnamn The name on the sign. pattern: \S type: string example: Sundsvalls testfabrik nullable: false Facility: type: object properties: description: type: string example: En fritextbeskrivning av facility. address: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Address'" oneOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/PlanningPermissionFacility'" - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/EnvironmentalFacility'" FacilityType: description: >- "Type Typof avfacility.<br><br>Compatible byggnad.<br><br>Typerwith CaseType=NYBYGGNAD_ANSOKAN_OM_BYGGLOV:<li>ONE_FAMILY_HOUSE(enbostadshus)</li><li>APARTMENT_BLOCK(flerbostadshus)</li><li>WEEKEND_COTTAGE(fritidshus)</li><li>OFFICE_BUILDING(kontorsbyggnad)</li><li>INDUSTRIAL_BUILDING(industribyggnad)</li><li>GARAGE(garage)</li><li>CARPORT(carport)</li><li>STOREHOUSE(förrådfö\ rråd)</li><li>GREENHOUSE(växthus)</li><li>GUEST_HOUSE(gäststuga)</li><li>WAREHOUSE(lagerbyggnad)</li><li>WORKSHOP_BUILDING(Verkstadsbyggnad)</li><li>RESTAURANT(Restaurang)</li><li>SCHOOL(Skola)</li><li>PRESCHOOL(Förskola)</li><li>PARKING(Parkering,Fö\ rskola)</li><li>PARKING(Parkering, Cykelparkering)</li><li>DEPOT(Upplag)</li><li>MARINA(SmåbåtshamnSmå\ båtshamn)</li><li>WALL(Mur)</li><li>PALING(Plank)</li><li>RECYCLING_STATION(Återvinningsstation)</li><li>OTHER(övrigtSTATION(Å\ tervinningsstation)</li><li>OTHER(övrigt)</li><br><br>Compatible with CaseType=ANMALAN_ATTEFALL:<li>FURNISHING_OF_ADDITIONAL_DWELLING(inredning\ \ av ytterligare bostad)</li><li>ANCILLARY_BUILDING(komplementbyggnad)</li><li>ANCILLARY_HOUSING_BUILDING(komplementbostadsbyggnad)</li><li>DORMER(takkupa)</li><li>EXTENSION(tillbyggnad)</li>" enum: - ANCILLARY_BUILDING - ANCILLARY_HOUSING_BUILDING - APARTMENT_BLOCK - CARPORT - DEPOT - DORMER - EXTENSION - FURNISHING_OF_ADDITIONAL_DWELLING - GARAGE - GREENHOUSE - GUEST_HOUSE - INDUSTRIAL_BUILDING - MARINA - OFFICE_BUILDING - ONE_FAMILY_HOUSE - OTHER - PALING - PARKING - PRESCHOOL - RECYCLING_STATION - RESTAURANT - SCHOOL - STOREHOUSE - WALL - WAREHOUSE - WEEKEND_COTTAGE - WORKSHOP_BUILDING type: string Information: type: object properties: type: type: string status: format: int32 type: integer title: type: string detail: type: string instance: type: string Organization: required: - type - roles - organizationName - organizationNumber type: object properties: type: allOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/StakeholderType'" - nullable: false roles: description: EnAn intressentstakeholder kancan hahave enone elleror fleramore rollerroles. type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/StakeholderRole'" nullable: false organizationName: pattern: \S type: string example: Sundsvalls testfabrik nullable: false organizationNumber: description: OrganisationsnummerOrganization beståendenumber avwith 10 elleror 12 siffrordigits. pattern: \S type: string example: 19901010-1234 nullable: false phoneNumber: type: string example: '"060121212'" emailAddress: type: string example: cellphoneNumber: type: string example: '"0701231212'" addresses: description: >- An Enstakeholder intressentmay kanhave haone enor ellermore flera adresseraddresses. T.ex. en adress avFor example typenone POSTAL_ADDRESS ochand en annan av typen another INVOICE_ADDRESS. type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Address'" authorizedSignatory: description: Firmatecknare type: string example: Test Testorsson Person: required: - type - roles - firstName - lastName type: object properties: type: allOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/StakeholderType'" - nullable: false roles: description: EnAn intressentstakeholder kancan hahave enone elleror fleramore rollerroles. type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/StakeholderRole'" nullable: false firstName: pattern: \S type: string example: Test nullable: false lastName: pattern: \S type: string example: Testorsson nullable: false personId: type: string example: 3ed5bc30-6308-4fd5-a5a7-78d7f96f4438 phoneNumber: type: string example: '"060121212'" emailAddress: type: string example: cellphoneNumber: type: string example: '"0701231212'" addresses: description: >- An Enstakeholder intressentmay kanhave haone enor ellermore flera adresseraddresses. T.ex. en adress avFor example one typen POSTAL_ADDRESS ochand en annan av typen another INVOICE_ADDRESS. type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Address'" personalNumber: type: string readOnly: true PlanningPermissionCase: description: Bygglovsärende (ByggR)-cases required: - externalCaseId - caseType - stakeholders - attachments - facilities type: object - caseType properties: - id:stakeholders - attachments format: int64 - facilities type: integer type: object readOnlyproperties: true externalCaseId: description: Case ID ÄrendeIdfrom från Open-Ethe client. pattern: \S type: string example: '1'caa230c6-abb4-4592-ad9a-34e263c2787b nullable: false caseType: allOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/CaseType'" - nullable: false description: description: Beskriv kort vad du vill bygga type: string example: Some Endescription fritextbeskrivningof avthe case. caseTitleAddition: description: >- "Additions to the case title. Right now only applicable to\ cases of \ cases of CaseType: NYBYGGNAD_ANSOKAN_OM_BYGGLOV." type: string example: "Eldstad/rökkanal, Skylt" stakeholders: minItems: 1 type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Stakeholder'" attachments: minItems: 1 type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Attachment'" facilities: minItems: 1 type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/PlanningPermissionFacility' diaryNumber:PlanningPermissionFacility" descriptiondiaryNumber: Diarienummer type: string PlanningPermissionFacility: required: - facilityType type: object properties: facilityType: allOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/FacilityType'" - nullable: false description: type: string example: En fritextbeskrivning av facility. address: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Address'" mainFacility: type: boolean Stakeholder: required: - type - roles type: object properties: type: allOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/StakeholderType'" - nullable: false roles: description: EnAn intressentstakeholder kancan hahave enone elleror fleramore rollerroles. type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/StakeholderRole'" nullable: false phoneNumber: type: string example: '"060121212'" emailAddress: type: string example: cellphoneNumber: type: string example: '"0701231212'" addresses: description: >- An Enstakeholder intressentmay kanhave haone enor ellermore flera adresseraddresses. T.ex. en adress avFor example one typen POSTAL_ADDRESS ochand en annan av typen another INVOICE_ADDRESS. type: array items: $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Address'" oneOf: - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Person'" - $ref: '"#/components/schemas/Organization'" StakeholderRole: description: >- <h3>Generella-roller<h3>General roles:</h3><li>CONTACT_PERSON(Kontaktperson)</li><br><br><h3>Bygglovsärendeli><br><br><h3>ByggR-rollerroles:</h3><li>CONTROL_OFFICIAL(Kontrollansvarig)</li><li>APPLICANT(Sökande)<li>PROPERTY_OWNER(Fastighetsägare)</li><li>PAYMENT_PERSON(Betalningsansvarig)</li><br><br><h3>Miljökontorärendeli><br><br><h3>Ecos2-rollerroles:</h3><li>INVOICE_RECIPENT(Fakturamottagare)</li><li>OPERATOR(Verksamhetsutövare)</li> enum: - APPLICANT - CONTACT_PERSON - CONTROL_OFFICIAL - INVOICE_RECIPENT - OPERATOR - PAYMENT_PERSON - PROPERTY_OWNER type: string StakeholderType: enum: - ORGANIZATION - PERSON type: string SystemType: enum: - BYGGR - ECOS type: string servers: - url: |
Medvetna avvikelser
Handläggarna i ByggR ville ha filnamnet på dokument i anteckningsfältet i ByggR för att få en bättre överblick. Egentligen ska fältet “note” i Attachment-objektet användas för detta i CaseManagaement's API, men p.g.a. begränsningar i OeP’s integrationsadapter som inte möjliggör att e-tjänsteutvecklaren kan konfigurera att detta skickas med så valde vi att lösa detta i CaseManagement’s backend istället.
Detta påverkar endast bygglovsärenden
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