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API specifikation
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--- openapi: 3.0.21 info: title: API-Agreement API description: "API used to get agreement of a facility"contact: {} version: 1."0.01" tags: - name: Agreement API endpoints description: Agreement resources paths: /agreements/{category}/facilities/{facilityId}: get: tags: - Agreement API endpoints summary: Get agreementagreements by category and facility-id parametersoperationId: getAgreementsByCategoryAndFacilityId parameters: - name: category in: path description: CategoryAgreement category required: true styleschema: simple explodetype: falsestring schemadescription: Category model typeenum: string - COMMUNICATION example: 'ELECTRICITY' - name:DISTRICT_HEATING facilityId - in:DISTRICT_COOLING path - description:ELECTRICITY Facility ID - WASTE_MANAGEMENT required: true - WATER style: simple example: ELECTRICITY explode: false - name: facilityId schema: in: path typedescription: stringId for the facility examplerequired: '1471222'true responses: schema: "200": type: string description: Successful operation example: 1471222 contentresponses: "404": application/json: description: Not found schema: content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AgreementResponse'application/json: "400": schema: description: Bad request content$ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' application/problem+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServiceErrorResponseProblem' "500200": description: InternalSuccessful server erroroperation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServiceErrorResponseAgreementResponse' components: schemas: AgreementResponse: application/problem+json: type: object propertiesschema: agreements: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AgreementResponse' type: array"500": description: AgreementInternal Server error itemscontent: requiredapplication/json: schema: - customerId $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' - billingId application/problem+json: - agreementId schema: - mainAgreement$ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' "400": -description: fromDateBad request content: - toDate application/json: - bindingschema: type$ref: object'#/components/schemas/Problem' propertiesapplication/problem+json: schema: customerId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Problem' components: typeschemas: string Problem: type: object descriptionproperties: Customer Id instance: exampletype: '81471222'string billingIdformat: uri type: type: string format: uri descriptionparameters: Billing Id type: object exampleadditionalProperties: '111222333' agreementIdtype: object status: type$ref: string'#/components/schemas/StatusType' title: descriptiontype: Agreementstring Id detail: type: example: '223344-A'string StatusType: type: object mainAgreementproperties: statusCode: type: booleaninteger format: int32 descriptionreasonPhrase: Is main agreement type: string Agreement: exampletype: trueobject properties: fromDate: customerId: type: string description: Customer identifier at the supplier of the agreement format: date readOnly: true descriptionexample: From"81471222" date billingId: exampletype: '2021-01-01'string description: Billing identifier toDate: readOnly: true typeexample: string"111222333" agreementId: formattype: datestring description: Agreement identifier description: To date readOnly: true example: '2021-12-31'223344-A mainAgreement: bindingtype: boolean description: Signal indicating whether the agreement is the main type:agreement boolean or not description: Is bound readOnly: true example: true binding: bindingRuletype: boolean typedescription: stringSignal indicating whether the agreement has a binding period description:or Rulenot of binding readOnly: true example: '12true mån bindning' ServiceErrorResponsebindingRule: type: objectstring propertiesdescription: Description of the binding rule in cases where the agreement httpCode: has a binding period format: int32 nullable: true type: integer readOnly: true message: example: 12 mån bindning typefromDate: string technicalDetailstype: string $refdescription: '#/components/schemas/TechnicalDetails' Start date of the agreement TechnicalDetails: typeformat: objectdate propertiesreadOnly: true rootCodeexample: 2022-01-01 format: int32 toDate: type: integerstring description: End rootCause:date of the agreement typeformat: stringdate serviceIdreadOnly: true example: 2022-12-31 type: string description: Agreement model requestIdAgreementResponse: type: object typeproperties: string agreements: details: type: array type: array items: items$ref: '#/components/schemas/Agreement' description: Agreement response model typesecuritySchemes: string{} |
Säkerhetsklass <0, 1, 2, 3, 4>
Autentiseringsmetod: <API Key, Oauth2>Oauth2
(Ref: Säkerhetsklassning av APIer )
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